InteLaw is also a real Smart Contract tool. InteLaw contracts take into consideration the specificities of each business area. The InteLaw contracts are written by professionals of different specialties, constituted as a scientific committee for a very rich and precise content.
The Contracts database is an indispensable working tool for legal professionals. The database offers several documents in all fields of expertise ready to be used.
For individuals, the Contracts database is an extremely useful source of documentation.
The database contains all the documents necessary for the life of a company. The database is a reference for customizable and easy-to-use documents.
The Contracts database, combined with the other bases, notably the Consolidated Codes database and the Smart Memo database, constitute a set that is more than indispensable for the control of contractual commitments.
The Contracts database includes several documents classified according to their nature: letter, commitment, contracts, etc.
The documents are classified by fields for a simple and practical thematic research.